Tag Archives: Ollie

19-March-2016, Ollie loves the beach!


Saturday, 19-March-2016


Ollie loves going to the beach with us!

But the seagulls don’t love Ollie back… Aww…

Ollie made the best from her ohh so difficult life today, specifically the fact that seagulls don’t love her, by running around the beach like a maniac chasing said squirrels.


Honestly, there’s not too much to be said about it.  We were originally going to be renting a little yurt on the ocean… but when we actually went about renting one, we learned that they’re usually already booked ~8 months in advance… not something we really wanted to deal with right then.  So instead, we hung out in Portland and then drove out to Cannon Beach during the day.

Cannon’s in a nice little town by the ocean that reminds me of Cape Cod – small tourist shops, salt water toffee, and tons of fish and chips places.  And ice cream shops, even though it’s like 3 degrees out.  Which, of course, we stopped in to and had an ice cream.

Past that, we walked.  We explored, did some “rock climbing”, and had a good time.

Not as good as Ollie chasing the seagulls, of course, but I don’t think humans can have that much fun and survive it 🙂


But it’s okay, because to make up for it, Sarah cooked up an amazing dinner of Lamb Lollipops and carrots and salad.  So… you know.  Who really won in the end?  We all did 😀