Daily Archives: April 18, 2024

The beauty of Wilsonville


April, 2024

With preparation and planning comes walks and relaxation.

It’s been tough for me to not judge myself too harshly for needing time to make plans and get everything set up. It takes time, to be sure, but I’ve found that creative work like this tends to take longer than one would expect… and that it also takes down time to make it happen. I call it “riding the waves”… when I’m energetic and focused, I get tons done. When I’m not, I take a walk or go to the gym.

It’s too easy to fall into a Youtube hole, or play video games… and while I do let myself fall down those holes every so often, it’s a major work of mine to limit those, and work to keep myself on track.

Walks definitely help – and in the Oregon Spring, those walks come part and parcel with beautiful views, pretty flower crowns left by my neighbors, and home-made chili-dogs after I got annoyed at Sonic for taking too long to take my order.

Yeah, literally. I walked to Sonic for lunch, they took 20min and didn’t take my order, so I walked to the grocery story and bought my own damn hotdogs and made my own damn lunch. With beer! For cheaper!

Slowly but surely. I’m focusing on burning down my to-do list, enjoying the time left with friends and neighbors, and making this whole thing happen.