Tag Archives: stacking firewood

A Saturday at home – firewood and brisket – 07-Dec-2019


Saturday, 07-Dec-2019


Today, we stayed home and puttered around.

Not really the normal theme to one of my blog posts, huh?  Yeah… well, you know what?  Sometimes, it’s important to celebrate the little things in life, like cleaning up the bedroom and cooking a nice meal.


So I cleaned up the bedroom and cooked a nice meal.  I also cleaned, stacked, and split a ton of firewood!

First things first, cleaning the house.  Pretty boring, but I did enjoy the chance to go through some of our closets and clear out the various odds and ends that’ve accumulated over the years… I even found the old Kayak ornament that Daniel and Erin had given me years back!

The most energetic item on the list was firewood – We accepted delivery of half a cord of firewood in the morning, which unfortunately included about two yard-waste bins full of detrius… but before I could get to cleaning that out, the first order of business was prepping the garage to store that much wood.

It didn’t take long, thankfully, and after a quick re-arrangement of the storage area I was able to put down a few rails to stack the wood onto.  Then the process of cleaning out the bark and detrius, and selecting the “Happy Logs” to form the end towers… it was fun.  It was really fun – it was raining out, I was kind of tired, but I felt amazing.  I’ve missed the simple joy of stacking firewood, and the feeling of accomplishment I got by looking at the nicely stacked and organized wood was a huge boost to the day.  I even sequestered the larger logs out, so that they’d be easily accessable to split and add on top of the rest!


Between cleaning, stacking, splitting, and selecting, I was cooking.  Brisket is a beautiful recipe, because its enjoyably complex but not hugely time consuming… it just needs good timing and a bit of effort.  I had my alarms, and every time I stepped back into the house it smelled more and more like that perfect smoked meat scent.  And when all the chores were done, and everything was cleaned up and put away?  Sarah and I had an amazing meal together.


It was an excellent weekend.


Link to Brisket Recipe, for those who may be curious…
