A weekend of adventures, climbing, and TEDx


Friday 28-Mar-14 through Sunday 30-Mar-14


Too lazy to actually type out a whole story-thing for this, since I have so many posts that I need to get put up.  So…. synopsis!


Friday = chill, relax, watch movies and eat pizza while Lizzie and Chris go to Jose’s Mexican down the street… and get food poisoning.  Huh.  So staying home actually saved me for once.


Saturday = Slow morning, where I actually cook breakfast for the first time since being sick. It’s kind of gross and raining outside, so… gaming.  Then, climbing at BRG with Kayla and hanging out at her place for a bit.  Was fun.


Sunday = Brunch at the Asgard with Rachel, though we didn’t realize that it was hosting a post-run meetup for all the runners.  So… to say that it was loud is an understatement.  But after brunch, which wasn’t bad at all, we hit up the MIT Museum.  From there I hit up Brooklyn Boulders to do some climbing with Kel, where we found out that a TEDx @ BKB event was happening.  It was… interesting.  I got to hear the lead singer from Dresden Dolls talk about being a hippy, which was interesting.  Though kind of strange.  First dinner was Ramen a-la Kel’s roommate, and second dinner was Taco Tuesday Sunday Edition with tacos @ Emma’s house with both Emma and Jamie.  Then chatting, relaxing, and home for bed.

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